Kenmare - The Brickx Club - Lego Building Workshop

Kenmare - The Brickx Club - Lego Building Workshop event at Kerry Mental Health & Wellbeing Fest 2023

Kenmare - The Brickx Club - Lego Building Workshop

Lego Building Workshop for children age 5-12. Lego building fosters creativity, problem solving, sharing, teamwork, self-esteem and sociability. THIS EVENT AND WAITING LIST ARE FULL SO NO FURTHER REGISTRATIONS OR ADDITIONS TO THE WAIT LIST ARE POSSIBLE
Event Details:
Date & time:
08 Oct @ 10:00 - 11:30
St Johns National School , Kenmare, V93DX76
South Kerry Development Partnership
Cathy Lambkin
This event is best suited for:
Contact organiser:
Please note this is a private event that is not open to the public.